El disc golf y la situación en Ucrania

La actual guerra en Ucrania ha provocado reacciones inmediatas en las dos grandes asociaciones mundiales del disco volador, la PDGA y la WFDF.

Ambas asociaciones, además de mostrar su incondicional apoyo al pueblo ucraniano, han decidido quitar la membresía a Rusia y Bielorrusia, prohibir la celebración de eventos en ambos países, e impedir la participación de sus jugadores en cualquier evento sancionado por dichas asociaciones.

La PDGA ha emitido este comunicado:

The PDGA fully condemns the actions taken by the Russian government regarding their invasion of Ukraine, and the Belarusian government for their support of the invasion. Fellowship and sportsmanship are cornerstones of disc golf and its global community, unifying across borders, languages, and cultures. To that end, the PDGA unequivocally stands with the people of Ukraine.

The PDGA Board of Directors, in concert with the PDGA Europe Board of Directors, World Flying Disc Federation, PDGA Country Coordinators, National Associations, and other key Europe continental stakeholders, has voted to remove the affiliate country status of the Russian Disc Golf Association with the PDGA, suspend event sanctioning in Russia and Belarus, and prohibit members from those countries from participating in PDGA events and programs effective immediately.

Un día antes, la WFDF publicaba este anuncio en su web:

WFDF suspends National Federations of Russia and Belarus – bans athletes and officials from participation in sanctioned events 

Official Communication by WFDFMarch 2, 2022

The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) Board of Directors met today, 2 March 2022, at an emergency meeting to discuss the questions around the acts of solidarity and unified reaction of the world of sport following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and Belarus in a clear act of war, which has rarely been seen since the mid 20th century. The Board approved the following five measures:

The WFDF Board affirms its full solidarity with the Ukrainian Flying Disc Federation (UFDF), the Ukrainian Olympic community, and all the people of Ukraine. In particular, it will do what it can to support the members of the Flying Disc community in Ukraine.

The Russian Flying Disc Federations (RFDF) and the Belarusian Flying Disc Federation (BFDF) are suspended with immediate effect, including the full set of their membership rights, until further notice.

No athletes or officials from Russia and Belarus are eligible to participate in any WFDF sanctioned event, until further notice.

All persons from Russia and Belarus holding positions of leadership in WFDF, or who serve in WFDF Committees and Commissions in any capacity, are asked to resign from their position with immediate effect.

No WFDF sanctioned events will be awarded to Russia and Belarus until further notice (none are currently scheduled).

Commented WFDF President Robert “Nob” Rauch on the board actions: “WFDF strongly condemns this unprovoked act of war and calls upon the leadership of Russia to order its military to immediately stand down and withdraw from Ukraine. The Flying Disc global community and the entire world of sport finds these actions incompatible with human progress and the values of sport. Furthermore, it is a blatant breach by the Russian government of the Olympic Truce resolution which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 2 December 2021.”

“Our thoughts are with the people of the Ukraine and particularly of the athletes under our member Federation, the UFDF. We stand united in solidarity with them and hope and pray for their safety and security. We also are concerned for our Russian Flying Disc athletes and so many of the general population of Russia who will be negatively impacted by the consequences resulting from the actions of their leadership. WFDF strongly keeps up our hopes that the conflict can be solved through peaceful means and not by war.”

WFDF is in contact with the Ukrainian Flying Disc Federation (UFDF) in hopes to find the best options to support them.

The Board is fully aware of the hardship this will put on athletes and members of the Flying Disc communities in Russia and Belarus and regrets having to take these actions. Nevertheless, the world of sport must stand united against such aggression as it threatens human society and the possibility for people around the world to meet in friendship during sporting events with full respect for fundamental human rights, away from any threat or discrimination.

Además de estas reacciones, han surgido movimientos de apoyo y solicitudes de ayuda al pueblo ucraniano, como es el caso del jugador ucraniano Bodyk Alexeev que, desde dentro del país, nos cuenta de primera mano la situación tan angustiosa que están viviendo. Mientras su familia se ha ido a Polonia, él se ha tenido que quedar defendiendo su país. 

Solicita difusión y ayuda a través de su página de Facebook y la de la Federación ucraniana



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